Thursday, April 22, 2010

Personal Style Inspiration: Casey

Skeleton Clips ($3 Ebay)

Shirt (Free at Clothing Swap)
Skirt (Urban Renewal Thrift Store)

Dress (Thrift Store)

Sneakers (Casey's Artwork painted on them)

Shirt (Job Lot)
Bracelet (Hammy Down from Friend)

My favorite piece of art! A play on Little Red Riding Hood by Casey Weibust

For my first Personal Style blog, I wanted to do one of my best friends. I am blessed to be surrounded by a group of people who always stray from the pack and dance to whatever makes them happy.

Though each one of us is extremely different in our own rite, we are blessed to have similar values and beliefs and therefore have remained so close through many years.

Here is my fantastic blog on Casey Weibust, an artist, a goblin and a great friend...

Both Casey and I grew up in a similar fashion...playing outside barefoot in the dirt, building homes from sticks and leaves and always sharing a common interest in the darker side of the average fairytale.

While I proceeded through most of middle and high school, walking through hallways in bright pinks and purples, Casey was taking her art and her style to a demonous level (in the best of ways).

And though we may have different looks, there are two things we will always agree on...

First, a sense of thriftiness while scouring for clothing is a MUST and secondly, Tim Burton is a genius!


  1. Love this! I love the white dress, the sneakers and the drawing best... beautiful girl!
