Friday, May 14, 2010

Brilliantly Barefoot on the Red Carpet

Cate Blanchett and Russell Crowe for Robin Hood

at the top of the famous stairway
tread by many many greats

It has been a whirlwind! My toes are all pink from running around but a smile is plastered on my face.

The colors, the energy, there is so much life! I have been blessed with an internship with DDA, a PR company over in London and I am learning a whole new trade and loving it.

I thought I would start by posting a picture of me on the RED CARPET! No, this is not a joke. My lovely friend Anna won Robin Hood premiere tickets in a raffle and I booked it to the apartment to change into my lovely Buffalo Exchange dress and heels. The heels hurt so terribly that I actually walked barefoot down the red carpet on the way out (if you ever have a chance to do this I highly recommend it. The carpet is very lush and squishy).

I’ll post more photos tomorrow so make sure to check in!

(also, so sorry for the lack of photos. the internet here is terrible and it takes ages to load them)


  1. Gorgeous!!! Baci from La Maddalena!

  2. Looks Amazing!! I am SO jealous! Have a blast and keep posting...

  3. Hey Kir!! Looks amazing! LOVE the pics...looking forward to hearing more about your adventures! Very jealous you got to walk barefoot ;) xx

  4. Glad you made it safe and are having a great time. Looks awesome!

  5. Hey, i am really happy for ya! looks like so much fun and excitement!

  6. Sooo, does this make me famous by association? I am so proud of you Kir!! Soak it all in and tell me everything when you get back! xoxo
